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St. Paul's Ev. Lutheran Church Morris, Minnesota

Jesus' love shared here!
Welcome, and thank you for visiting St. Paul's Lutheran online. We hope that our website highlights the opportunities for worship, fellowship, education and service available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Our Mission
ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN exists to win the lost for Christ, and to nurture believers for lifelong faith and lives of Christian service. We do that by:
Praising God in fellowship and by giving our whole lives to God.
Providing life-long Christian education to all.
Reaching ou with the Gospel, showing Jesus' love to our community and the world.
This Week's Service
PLEASE GO TO OUR "Videos" page for the service.

Sunday Morning services:
8:30 AM.,
Holy Communion offered on
the second and last
Sundays of each month.
Between Memorial Day and
Labor Day we will have 7:00
P.M. worship on Monday s.

St. Paul's Worship Services may be seen at "videos".
Currently we have Second & Third Sundays in Lent, & March 19th Lenten Service.
Rev. Donald Main
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